
Design Dinner Menu Template For Birthday Party


Needless to say, a dinner party must be a gastronomic delight. But it must also have some dash and originality about its presentation, and there should be no clichés anywhere — in the menu, in the recipe or, we hope, in the conversation!

Every hostess owes it to herself and her reputation as an "operator" to give at least one "all-out" dinner party every winter. I mean a kind of "no-holds-barred" performance, where you forget the cost, the trouble, or whatever you usually use as the excuse for not entertaining in the grand manner. Once you decide to do it, it's good for your adrenal output, and afterward you are full of that precious commodity called self-satisfaction.

A super-deluxe, elegant dinner party primarily takes careful planning. Let me tell you about one I pulled off, and exactly how I went about it.

I had to consider several phases so that I could manage it with a maid (if I were lucky enough to get one) or to cope with it all by myself. Another angle to consider was the mechanics of the affair — what to serve and where. Then I also wanted to select and present my food pattern in the most sensational manner. I enjoy hearing those squeals and exclamations when the food is presented. After much carding and discarding, I finally worked out a menu that seemed just tops, together with a method of serving that made the whole affair go smoothly. This is what I evolved — and it worked like a charm!

Where to Set Everything Up

I would have a fish course first, one preferably that could "wait." So I conjured up a platter of lobster medallions and Belgian endive, simple to prepare, delicious when chilled. I could present it when I had everything under control. Let's call this Shellfish Elegante.

This first course I would serve in front of the fire with the drinks. In this way I would not have to cope with complicated hors d'oeuvres, but just serve some glamorized olives and nuts. Then I could also get the table set up with the hot main dish without any fuss while the guests were having the fish course by the fire.

For the main course in the dining room, I decided to have a beef filet. This can be a truly gourmet dish and is so easy to prepare.

I decided to serve the dessert course, with coffee, liqueurs and champagne from a tray wagon, either in the living room or the library. I did not want the guests to have to sit through clearing and de-crumbing the table.

By arranging a dinner party where different courses are served in different rooms, it removes much of the stress and strain and you can truly enjoy your own feast. Half of our concern, I think, is the desire to have the party run smoothly. With this method you can't fail to have an apparently effortless dinner party.

This dinner is easy to run up on the cooking level. But let's face it; it is expensive — any lavish feast is — but let your mind go blank and loosen your purse strings! If you start gathering in the goodies ahead of the time you can sort of spread the strain over the groaning budget.

Go to the next page for the lobster and endive recipe.

This article by Virginia Stanton was originally published in the November 1960 issue of House Beautiful.

Shellfish Elegante with Sauce Piquant

If you can't get live lobsters, then get them cooked. And if you live in the part of the world where superior ones are unavailable, then serve frozen Alaskan King Crab legs, or Jumbo Shrimp. After lobster, I prefer King Crab, for it is so sweet and delicious.

Allow a 1 1/2- to 2-pound lobster per person. One section of the giant leg of the King Crab should be sufficient, or four Jumbo Shrimp.

I used a packaged box of spices for the Court Bouillon (seasoned water) in which I boil crabs, shrimps, and lobsters. It is called Rex Crab and Shrimp Boil. You can prepare your own shellfish the day before your party. If you are using King Crab legs, remove them from the freezer the morning of the party, cook them and refrigerate, well wrapped and covered, so your refrigerator does not smell like a fish market. Place in the coldest part of your refrigerator till serving time. About an hour before your guests are due to arrive, prepare the shellfish platter. If you are serving lobster, cut the underside of the tail with scissors. Lift the whole tail out of the shell gently but firmly, place on a cutting board and with a very sharp knife slice across the lobster making quarter-of-an-inch-thick slices. Arrange these medallions carefully in rows, alternating with the Belgian endive. Sprinkle generously with "Sauce Piquant" dressing just before serving. If I have whole lobsters, I usually use the shell as apart of the decoration of the platter. If you are using shrimp or Alaskan kind crab arrange it in rows, and be sure to slice it into bite sizes. My policy is: no knives in the living room — just "fork food."

Sauce Piquant for Shellfish

I invented this sauce, but it is absolutely necessary that you have the main ingredient — Old Bay Seafood Seasoning. If you don't already have it in your spice cabinet, trust me, it will add a new taste thrill.

1 scant tablespoon of Old Bay Seasoning

1 shallot, put through garlic press

1/2 teaspoon brown sugar

1/4 cup white wine vinegar (Spice Islands)

3/4 cup olive oil

This seafood course is served from the low table in front of the fire. After it is eaten it is easily and rapidly cleared away, either after your guests have gone to the dining table or before.

Go to the next page for the filet of beef recipe.

Filet of Beef

A filet of beef, if done properly, can be the most succulent meat in the world, and its presentation can be the most glamorous when done in the manner that I dreamed up. French terminology divides a filet into four sections. The large end of the tenderloin is where the "Bifteck" comes from. It usually is not cut thickly. The center section is the Chateaubriand and is cut very thick. The tournedos are from the small end, are usually trimmed round, and are about 1 1/4 inches thick. The flat tip of the tenderloin is called the Filet Mignon and is cut in various thicknesses according to desire. In this country, however, we seem to have two categories, the Filet Mignon, and the Chateaubriand.

It is from the large end of the tenderloin that you should have the butcher cut your filet. It should be about ten inches long and weigh nearly four pounds. It must be a good heavy filet. Cut as I describe, one will serve six; so, if you are having sixteen, you will need three of them. Wipe well with a wet paper towel and pour a good Madeira all over (I use a medium dry Madeira). Allow about a quarter of a cup for each piece of meat. Pepper well with freshly cracked pepper and put into a cold oven and turn on to 300 degrees F. Allow 1 1/2 hours cooking time, basting four times at even intervals with the following sauce.

The amounts given are for one four-pound tenderloin.

Basting Sauce for the Beef

1/3 cube of butter, melted

1/4 cup of Madeira drippings from meat

Keep basting sauce hot, and take the beef out of the oven, pour pan drippings into the basting sauce, and then baste meat copiously with sauce. Return to oven, and repeat process four times in all. If the beef is fat, you must skim off excess fat before each basting, for grease is death to a delectable sauce, and that is what you want from the Madeira.

After the beef has been cooking for half an hour, or when brown, turn so the other side will brown. The Madeira has enough sweetness, so the beef should be a lovely dark color. The temperature behavior of all ovens seems to be different, but here is what I do.

I serve this meat so it looks like a real "production." My large silver tea tray is the basic holder of the scenery. On top of it I put a silver sauce boat and a silver plate for the block of sliced pate. Cover the edges of the bigger tray with loads of parsley. A thick bed of this is important for it must be lush looking. Leave the center space empty to receive the meat platter. We use a large crepe pan so we can have it good and hot.

Have a cup of brandy warming on the stove, for this will be the touch that contributes the glamour. Remove the tenderloins from the oven. Then slice a portion off the large end so it will be level and you can stand these beauties upright. Place them carefully on the warmed crepe or serving platter. Then pour the sauce from the roasting pan over the meat. Bring it to the serving table.

When the guests are assembled, pour the hot brandy over all the meat and flame. It is spectacular and the burned brandy emerging with the cooking sauce gives a delectable flavor. Keep spooning the brandy sauce over the beef until it is all burned out. The burning brandy merges all the flavors. The carver can make a great show of spooning the burning brandy over the meat and everyone will admire the blazing beef.

Tenderloin is the easiest thing in the world to carve, but here's a tip: slice the meat in rather thin slices, for the pâté and sauce would be lost on a great thick piece of beef. Each piece of beef will have medium, well done, and rare meat. The ends are more done than the center.

After carving, put a slice of pâté and a spoonful of sauce from the sauce boat on each beef slice (note: this is different from the sauce from the cooking process).

Sauce for the Beef

(For one filet, serving six)

1 can Campbell's beef bouillon

2 teaspoons arrowroot, dissolved in some cold consommé

1 can or two very large truffles, chopped

8 mushroom stems, chopped (marinate both in Madeira)

1/3 cup Madeira

Heat the soup, undiluted, saving some to dissolve the arrowroot in, add slowly to the hot broth and cook on very low heat for about five minutes. Add the chopped truffles and mushrooms, which have been marinating in the Madeira, pour the whole thing in, heat and cook for a minute or two. This sauce can be made the day before and stored in a covered container in the refrigerator.

Serve bubbling hot, with a small sauce spoon over each slice of beef, for the helpings of this delectable sauce should be small. You don't want the plates drowned in this rich brew.

I hope I have given you this picture clearly; it is a sensational dish and to me one of the easiest.

The pâté can be sliced in the thinnest possible slices in the morning and arranged on the serving plate. It is easier to slice when cold. I like the "block" type, for the slices are uniform, and it is more easily arranged.

To be on the safe side, buy an 11-ounce block. Refrigerate and then slice carefully with a hot knife. Lay the slices tenderly on your serving dish and refrigerate, putting the dish and all in a plastic bag. Whisk out when you are ready to "mount" your wondrous dish.

Go to the next page for three delicious side dishes.

Wild Rice

This wild rice is a favorite with my family, so, since I like to please them as well as have a great banquet, wild rice we shall have.

Allow one cup of wild rice for five persons. The box says four servings per cup, but we are going to add mushrooms and artichoke hearts, so one cup will serve five.

Wash the rice in water, until the water is almost clear. I take the rice in two hands and rub it together to get out all the dust and particles. Then I allow it soak in cold water for an hour. Bring consommé to a boil; have twice as much consommé as rice. Add some salt, drain the rice and put in the saucepan, cover and cook until done — about thirty minutes. Rice must be flaky and tender. If there is any consommé left, pour it out. You can cook this rice the day before, and if you do, save the consommé and add a little to reheat. This prevents sticking on the pan. Put a generous mound of rice in the center of a hot platter, place artichoke hearts with mushrooms around the rice. Scatter chopped chives and parsley over all and serve.

Mushrooms and Artichoke Hearts

I much prefer the fresh artichokes, but if you have to resort to prepared ones, I prefer the frozen to the canned. Mushrooms are so much better fresh, but the tinned buttons done in butter can be used in a pinch. Dried mushrooms, soaked, then simmered briefly in consommé will serve too.

In preparing the mushrooms and the artichokes, I use my two favorite spice concoctions One is Beau Monde and the other Chef Howald's All-N-One Seasoning.

In selecting mushrooms, get them of uniform size. This permits them to all get done at the same time. Use a damp clean cloth to remove any dirt from the mushrooms. Cut off the stems even with the cap (these to be chopped for the steak). Melt a big thick pat of butter (about three tablespoons), add a half teaspoon of each Beau Monde and Chef Howald's in a frying pan with the butter. When butter has melted, swish it around the pan to mix the spices, and then add mushrooms, cut side up. Cover and allow to cook until just tender, not limp. You can do these in the morning and store and reheat.

Put the same spice brew in another frying pan for the artichokes, adding just enough water to cover the bottom of the pan. Add the frozen artichokes and cook until barely tender. If there is any liquid on the frozen artichokes, drain. These also can be done the morning of the party.

If you are using fresh artichokes, boil the whole artichoke in seasoned water, until barely tender. Peel off leaves and store the whole hearts in a covered container until ready to use. The family can have the leaves for lunch. Sauté the whole cooked artichoke hearts just as you did the mushrooms and serve with rice.

I pour the rice into the serving platter first, then place the artichokes next, then tumble the mushrooms over the artichokes — oh yes, pour the seasoned cooking butter out right along with the mushrooms and artichokes.

String Beans with Onions

Serves 8

3 boxes frozen whole green beans

1 can tiny whole onions

3/4 teaspoon Beau Monde

3/4 teaspoon Chef Howald's seasoning

1/8 pound of butter

Scatter the Beau Monde and Chef Howald's lightly in the bottom of the largest frying pan you have. Thinly slice the butter and cover the bottom of the pan. Break the frozen string beans apart by pounding the sealed packages on the edge of the drain board, whacking them on all sides and ends. Scatter the beans as evenly as possible over the pan, and add a quarter cup of water. Bring to a quick boil, lower heat and cook about five minutes. You may have to allow longer time, depending on the size and thickness of the string beans.

Mound on a hot platter, garnish with the sautéed onions, chopped chives, and parsley, and place on the serving table. If you serve in covered containers, the vegetables will keep hot longer, especially if you have an electric warming tray.

Drain the onions, saving the juice to be used at a later date. In a frying pan put a thick pat of butter and one half teaspoon of brown sugar. When all is melted and sizzling, put in the onions and sauté them for a few minutes, or until nicely golden brown, and add to the just-cooked string beans and serve.

Go to the next page for the dessert recipe.

I am the gal who likes more sauce then cake, so I heap masses of goodies on a "base." This dessert is a dream to make, for it is so easy, and also it wows the guests.

Apricot Delight

1 lovely light sponge cake, 1/2 inches thick

2 cans whole peeled apricots

12 macaroons (almond flavored)

1/2 cup silvered almonds

Apricot jam

Orange marmalade


Whipped cream

Make your cake the day before, or if you prefer, make it days ahead and freeze. If you use a package mix and it makes a tall cake, cut it into four layers. I prefer the 1 1/2-inch thickness, cut into two layers for ease of serving. I prefer to make two separate platters of it, rather than pile it into four layers. You know how difficult it is to cut and serve before it topples into a mess?

Drain the apricots the day before, saving enough juice to keep them moist and sparkling. Boil the juice down to a syrupy consistency, and store in a covered container until ready to use. Chop the macaroons and store them in a covered container until ready to use.

Whip a pint of heavy cream, sugar lightly, and then flavor it with Cointreau. Two to three tablespoons, according to your taste. You can do this a few hours ahead of time. Cover the container with foil and refrigerate until ready to use.

I invite my guests to leave the table before the dessert course and go to another room. This affords more opportunities for conversation with more people. Also, while the guests are assembling into the "dessert room," I can bring together the ready parts of the "Apricot Delight." Cut the cake across in half, for you are going to make a sweet sandwich. On the top of the bottom layer, spread a generous amount of apricot jam; scatter half the chopped macaroons and nuts over this. On the bottom of the top layer, spread a thin coating of orange marmalade. Place this marmalade side down gently over the bottom layer. (You should do this on your serving platter.)

Around the cake, heap mounds of the whole peeled apricots. Then pour over the apricot syrup, then over the top of the cake scatter the remaining macaroons and nuts. Drip over a half-cup of Cointreau. Mound the whipped cream between the apricots and bring your big beautiful production proudly to your guests. Serve by cutting as you would a pie.

Serve coffee and liqueurs at your leisure.

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Design Dinner Menu Template For Birthday Party


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